Booking Instructions

1Select the hotel of your choice

Enter the destination, the arrival and departure dates, the number of adults and children. The available options will be shown according to the selected criteria.
2Select the room type

By selecting the hotel of your choice, you'll be shown all the available rooms and service. Select the room and service of your choice and book by clicking the "Book now" button.

3Log In/Sign Up

Log in or create a new account by filling in the form. If you create a new account, you will receive an automatic email; click on the link in the email to confirm your account. Once the account has been activated, you can log in by entering the email and password you set during registration. Once you have logged in, you can modify your personal data, check and modify your reservations or make additional reservations.
4Payment Details

Once you have logged in or registered, enter the correct payment details, which will be used only in the event of a "no show" on the day of arrival. In this case, 100% of the payment will be taken from the credit card with which you secured the booking.

5Booking Confirmation

Once you have entered all the data to make your reservation, the hotel will send you an email to confirm or cancel your reservation.

You can cancel your reservations in the User Area; read carefully the terms and conditions - especially the cancellation policy - applied by the hotel.

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